Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I say, you say, weren't you listening?

We've all had our own Justin Bieber moments over the years growing up, haven't we?
If you're shaking your head violently and about to click back to Facebook, just reflect for a moment on your tweens.

For me it was a sunny day at Pacific Fair Shopping Centre on the Gold Coast, Australia, when popstars Pseudo Echo were appearing at Myer for - of all things - their hair product sponsor L'Oreal. Girls were buying hair gel like it was 1982, oh hang on, it was!
I remember riding my bike there, armed with my autograph book, pushing through the crowd to the front and swooning at their new wave hair, their baggy 80s pants pulled up to where pants shouldn't venture, and thinking this would be a defining moment in my life.
Well it was ... I now officially define it as my Justin Bieber moment - one which shall never be spoken of again, nor shall I mention the fluoro pink dress I was wearing that I had borrowed off my sister, with a green fluoro belt that looked ever so striking against the fluoro pink

So I can't but help wonder if the tween I interviewed for That's Life magazine's story out this week may feel the same in 30 years time, when she's flicking back through her scrap book and sees the article on her winning an amazing competition where her prize was being flown to meet the Biebmeister himself in Las Vegas and watch his show.
It's on the cover, but the best surprise for me was seeing what the clever sub-editor wrote for one of the photo captions inside with the article on page 15, "Kiera entered the competition 'Justin' time".
Damn I wish I'd thought of that!
Now I think I might put on the soothing sounds of one of my Sex Pistols CDs just to save face.

1 comment:

  1. So far my Facebook fiends have listed a poster of Paula Abdul on the roof above their top bunk, Andrew McCarthy from Pretty in Pink, Rob Lowe in St Elmo's Fire, Adam Ant, George Michael, and Bob Geldof in his early days. Yep, Bieber fans beware in two decades ... your time will come!
