Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A different way to spend the baby bonus

What does botulism, sumo wrestling, the baby bonus and a dead tortoise six foot under all have to do with life this week?
Glad you asked ... they all thread together two Speedy Reads published in this week's new issue of That's Life magazine out today, penned by me to help pay my mortgage (and my secret addiction to Cadbury Flakes - I figure because they weigh almost nothing, so will I if I eat them, but somehow that hasn't happened as yet).

Yep, I must say the yarns I am handed from the Speedy Reads editor keep me bursting with party lines whenever I do manage to get out.
"Did you know a pregnant woman had her waters break at the vets where she was visiting her sick dog who was paralysed because it ate a dead tortoise infected with botulism, then she had the baby and came home but before that, stopped off at the vets with her newborn so the dog could lick its toes? Oh, and they spent the whole baby bonus from the government on the vet bills. Gee this dip is nice, and er, pass the bowl of Cheese and Bacon Balls over this way why dontcha!"
Hmmm, I should try to get out more these days.
Ah yes, and sumo. Well here's the thing, it's a growing women's sport, and you don't have to eat as many Cadbury Flakes as one may think. In fact, I wish I was slim enough to qualify for the under 65kg category myself, but that would take effort - say no more.

As for my media watching this week, it included me watching the media, literally.
I sat on the side of the Nerang bike track watching the Channel Seven cameraman film my four year old skateboarding for a news story yet to air, meaning I now have to watch Channel Seven news every night until then. Wish I knew how to program my VCR!!!

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