Wednesday, September 8, 2010

FAR OUT ... it's 25 minutes past midnight and my blog is finally ALIVE! Major excitement for someone who still can't program a VCR, but since that technology barely has any modern relevance anymore it looks more and more like I'm going to get away with it. In fact, if you're under 25 you probably don't even know what I'm talking about. Ahem, moving right along,so, here we are then ... you like nice today, love the hair ... um, want to hear what's happening in the corners of the world I write in?

Well, just out today is the new issue of bmag - Brisbane's largest lifestyle magazine - with an article detailing a chat I had with one of Queenland's rich list, Graham Turner who founded the Flight Centre, whose assets are worth around $350 million (hang on, just double checked and there's another cool million dollars to add to that) yet takes pleasure in the simple joy of riding his bike for some alone time ...

Weirdo reflection of the day - realising that in 1998 I bought my first home for a piddly $127,500. OMG I should never have moved and instead sold it for four times that much which it's worth now - perhaps I'd be a little closer to joining my aforementioned mate on that list.

Best LOL, ROFL or PMLOL or whatever letters you like to use to symbolise that you had a giggle, was from my Facebook friend Caitlin whose friend vented that 'Rob ``bloody'' Oakeshott's ridiculously drawn-out Oscar-style speech' had rather annoyed him. I questioned whether the Independent had also thanked God, since I'd switched back to Triple J on the car radio after five sets of traffic lights and still no end to the speech in sight. To which Caitlin replied (and get ready for the boom tish symbol crash) ... 'Rach, he didn't thank God, and thank Christ for that!'

Well, it is 10 minutes to 1am ... I find anything's pretty amusing at this time of night.

L8r (that's so Bill and Ted - embarrasment! but I still can't look away from Keanu ... can anyone?)

Pssst: I know there are 50 gazillion more illustrious, ridiculous, witty, crafty and creative sign off symbols than a basic smiley facey these days but did I mention I still don't know how to program a VCR, so BACK OFF!

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